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NITRITE TEST 0.005 - 0.10 MG/L

Merck NITRITE TEST 0.005 - 0.10 MG/L

Spending Type : Consumable
Category : Chemical Reagent
Type : Test Kit Reagent
SKU : 1.14408.0001

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Deskripsi Merck NITRITE TEST 0.005 - 0.10 MG/L

114408 Uji Nitrit Metode: kolorimetri dengan kartu warna dan blok pembanding dengan tabung uji panjang 0.005-0.012-0.02-0.03-0.04-0.05-0.06-0.08-0.10 mg/l NO₂⁻ 0.0015-0.0037-0.006-0.009-0.012-0.015-0.018-0.024-0.030 m

Nitrite is naturally present in soil, water and food, and regularly testing its concentration is essential for many applications. Nitrites must be closely monitored in drinking and ground water as well as in process, waste, or aquarium water. In farm produce and fruit juices, high nitrate concentrations affect quality and keeping properties and can constitute serious health risks. Nitrites are also used in additives for food products and serve as corrosion inhibitors in engine cooling systems.

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