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COPPER CELL TEST 0.05 - 8.0 MG/L CU 25

Merck COPPER CELL TEST 0.05 - 8.0 MG/L CU 25

Spending Type : Consumable
Category : Chemical Reagent
Type : Test Kit Reagent
SKU : 1.14553.0001

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Deskripsi Merck COPPER CELL TEST 0.05 - 8.0 MG/L CU 25

114553 Copper Cell Test Metode: fotometrik 0.05 - 8.00 mg/l Cu Spectroquant®

This Spectroquant® Copper Cell Test allows the accurate quantification of the copper content in aqueous samples.

Method applied: In ammoniacal medium copper(II) ions react with cuprizone to form a blue complex that is determined photometrically.

The Spectroquant®Cell Tests come with prefilled 16 mm round cells and all the required reagents to perform the analysis according to the instruction leaflet provided.

All Spectroquant® Cell and Reagent Tests are equipped with the unique Live ID which allows seamless method recognition and contains essential information such as lot number, expiry date, and automatic calibration updates.

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