116981 Uji Asam Askorbat Metode: reflektometri dengan pita uji 25 - 450 mg/l Reflectoquant®
Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) counts as an essential quality characteristic in many foods. The content of ascorbic acid is measured during the production and filling procedures in the fruit- and vegetable-processing sector as a measure to guarantee compliance of the minimum required values for preservation. The Reflectoquant® Ascorbic acid test strips are suitable for quickly measuring levels of natural ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid reduces yellow molybdophosphoric acid to phosphormolybdenum blue that is deter mined reflectometrically on the RQflex®. For pre-testing a sample in an economic and quick way to estimate the ascorbic acid concentration and a possible dilution factor prior to using this quantitative method we recommend our semi-quantitative MQuant® test strips for ascorbic acid.Simpan pada +2°C hingga +8°C.
function control | conforms |
Assay - standard 1 | 45 - 55 mg/l |
- standard 2 | 180 - 220 mg/l |
- standard 3 | 360 - 440 mg/l |