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AMMONIUM TEST 0.025 - 0.40 MG/L

Merck AMMONIUM TEST 0.025 - 0.40 MG/L

Spending Type : Consumable
Category : Chemical Reagent
Type : Test Kit Reagent
SKU : 1.14428.0002

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Deskripsi Merck AMMONIUM TEST 0.025 - 0.40 MG/L

114428 Uji Amonium Metode: kolorimetri, indofenol biru, dengan kartu warna dan blok pembanding dengan tabung uji panjang 0.025-0.050-0.075-0.10-0.15-0.20-0.25-0.30-0.40 mg/l NH₄⁺ 0.02-0.04-0.06-0.08-0.12-0.16-0.19-0.23

The test measures both ammonium ions and dissolved ammonia in e.g. groundwater and surface water, seawater, drinking water and aquarium water. The test kit contains the easy to use colour card.

Simpan pada +15°C hingga +25°C.