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AMMONIUM TEST 0.010 - 3.00 MG/L NH4-N

Merck AMMONIUM TEST 0.010 - 3.00 MG/L NH4-N

Spending Type : Consumable
Category : Chemical Reagent
Type : Test Kit Reagent
SKU : 1.14752.0001

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Deskripsi Merck AMMONIUM TEST 0.010 - 3.00 MG/L NH4-N

114752 Ammonium Test Metode: fotometrik 0.010 - 3.00 mg/l NH₄-N Spectroquant®

The method is analogous to EPA 350.1, APHA 4500-NH3 F, ISO 7150-1, and DIN 38406-5.

This Spectroquant® Ammonium Reagent Test allows the cyanide-free quantification of ammonium in wastewater, groundwater, surface water, and seawater. Typically, ammonium enters water sources as runoff from fertilized agricultural areas and enhanced levels are important indicators for fecal pollution.

Further fields of applications are the analysis of foods & beverages and of environmental and agricultural samples (e.g. soil).

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